Youth Clubs
The Keltic Folk School (KFS) emerged from the tradition of the Scout associations of the youth movement in the first half of the 20th century. We are a politically and denominationally independent youth association, our members are between 7 and 17 years old, and young adults from 18 to 28 serving as club leaders and camp counselors. Above all, it is important to us to be close to nature on our trips and camps and other events. We want to live with and in nature and thus recognize the awareness of man's dependence on nature and work to protect the health of man and nature.
Everyone does their part. In life as in the group, the sense of community of the children and young people is promoted and they are offered the opportunity to develop free of social constraints or the pressure of society. Through playing and singing together at camps and trips as well as weekly group meetings, the community is strengthened and group awareness is promoted. The adolescents are given the opportunity to engage in cultural, national, natural, intellectual, practical and social activities according to their abilities. Above all, fun and freedom and informality should come first.
We want to educate each other to religious, cultural, political and social responsibility in personal and social life and thereby prepare the individual for independent decisions and active participation in shaping a humane society.
The most important thing in our covenant life are the journeys and camps. We hike, cook over the fire and explore our countries on foot and thus in a simple but very intense way. This gives us the opportunity to experience life in a special way, to broaden our horizons and at the same time to take a break from a hostile media-dominated society.
Artisan Farm Trade Labor Bonds
Every share in the Labour of Love that is QORPS gets re-invested back into affiliate Clubs and Guilds for preserving defense and maintaining a better Future for our children. Beyond the membership that build our Club treasury, individual Bonds invested in our Artisan Farm Trade Labour Guild go to Support all the work that we do.
Youth Hiking Clubs, Farmers Markets, Workshops, Lectures, Education, and Project Initiatives cannot happen without Faith and Support from our Circle of Supporters. To promote QORPS and affiliate Clubs anybody may invest in Bonds that serve as shares in a single United Labor Guild, that may also be used in Trade to barter for goods and services produced and manufactured by the good folk at RhineStoneHAMMER.
To get Involved help Support our Endeavor or learn more about our United Labor Guild check
Sing Together, Stay Together
Euroick Artisan Farm Trade Labour Guild
I. First among these is ‘QORPS’ -to mutually manage the holdings and work to the benefit and growth of all affiliate members and Guilds, and to assign various Office and position of leadership to see that disputes may be settled, club organization run fairly and effectively as possible, and generally act as an LMC Land Management Company for all holdings in Common.
II. The Second 'RhineStoneHAMMER' [RhH] (set of two) serves to function as a local market (RhH Farmers market) and as a local regulatory agency (RhH Producers cooperative) The market will set the prices of the products produced by its members who will (largely) also be members of the Producer cooperative which will control quality and help members coordinate labor such that all get the maximum benefit from the available labor. These two will work together to ensure that those that Produce, and NOT stock jabbers and commodity brokers, get the value, benefits, and over all enjoyment of their labors.
III. Third a credit union, ‘SAXON COWBOY CHURCH’ [SCH] helps capitalize and defend the Labors of the Active members within the Circle of their independent Guild and local Club Charters. All three under the auspice and Office of [RhH] ‘RhineStoneHAMMER’ and its executive organizational bodies 'QORPS.' The credit union organization [SCH] shall further allow people who actively work and help to build the Labor Guild, Market, and Council to be responsible for their own success and organization.
Qoalition Order for Populr Sovereignty
New club Charter now available... Enlist today!
Are you still online? Endlessly spending your days spinning round trapped inside a digital maze, a little mouse trying desperately to find the cheese? Did you find how deep the rabbit hole goes? It goes on forever, and what you lost is your life... on the outside of this prison. Fear is the mind killer. Do not be afraid.
Why not join a Company of FreeMen and exercise your God given Rights to Life & Liberty. You are no slave. QORPS is a Coalition of visionary honorable Men building parallel Societies to the shameful Pit we have inherited. If the System is entirely corrupt, then we shall replace it. What is stopping us? Simply ignore the broken System out of Existence. It cannot exist without us. We can exist, nay Prosper! without it. For everything you need to get started just click on the HandBook or fill out a form above.